Friday, December 17, 2010


It was nearly one in the afternoon and the sky was black as night. The thunder sounded as if God were bowling in heaven the man thought to himself as he was sitting on his front porch. He could see that his family was quite fearful of the storm as they watched it roll in from the window. Just as he was about to tell his family the storm would soon pass, he turned to see a giant tornado heading right for them. Without hesitation he flew through the door, grabbed his flashlight and motioned to his family to follow him into the cellar. Just before closing the cellar door he turned to see the tornado less than one hundred yards away from his window!
Luckily for the family, the wood storage room was strategically placed in a safe, tight corner; or so they thought. Before long they could hear trees snapping, cabinets shaking, and dishes crashing! They then knew their world was literally crashing down. Just when the noise was starting to come to an end the top of the house was ripped off and they could hear it being blown away. Then the ceiling, walls, floor and everything in between followed. They knew they would soon be next.
All huddled up together they knew it would be the last time they would see each other. The man hugged his wife and his two daughters and they all said I love you. With eyes closed they held hands and waited and prayed. Something soon urged the man to open his eyes. To his surprise it was daylight, and the storm had passed! Everything was ruined, but not his family they were there and not a hair on their heads were touched. As frightened as they all were they couldn’t help but to smile. One by one they all climbed up and out of the cellar using pieces of debris as a ladder.

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