Friday, December 17, 2010

My Letter

At the beginning of the course I thought my writing ability wasn’t great, but I thought that it was at least good enough to write a short story or poem. I was wrong. I expected this class to let me think of an idea, write it down, turn it in, and get a grade. Again, I was wrong. I had to push myself to think outside of the box and not just narrow myself to few options.
Looking back at my background I now realize that it wasn’t very strong. My creative thinking has blossomed in several ways because of this class, especially with the help of revised papers. I would write something, then it in and would almost instantly get it back with kind criticism. This kind of criticism is extremely helpful. The fact that it wasn’t insulting was enough to give me the push I needed to think of something more creative and to tighten up my work.

I had a decent idea of what was expected with short stories, even though writing them wasn’t exactly my strong point, but poems were a lot different. I didn’t think that writing a poem would be so difficult. I thought that poems were basically thoughts written down in any form and that they didn’t have any guidelines. To me they felt like random thoughts that were thrown together in any way, but I was off.
I learned that it takes more than just an idea or feeling to make a decent poem. Once I wrote one it looked like there wasn’t anything wrong with it, but im sure if anyone else had read it they would have been completely lost. It felt right to me because that’s how I thought it should look and sound. Now after weeks of practice I think I am at least capable of writing a decent poem or story. I can’t say that I am a perfect writer and that the work that I do is flawless, but I at least now know what it takes. I know what is expected from a decent story or poem and this class showed me that.

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